Have you seen the new trailer for a show on BBC One called ABC murders? One of the characters (I think a main one since he was featured a lot) is played by RUPERT GRINT! I actually yelled this and I’m not as much as a big fan of him as you are but still YAY!

YES! It’s awesome; can’t wait to see it! I’ve only seen about twenty seconds of Rupert in it so far, and I think he’s brilliant! 

Thanks for the message, @bearsinpotatosacks!

that david yates quote about the seventh movie regarding harry and hermione is so weird to me bc in the books by that point the canon pairings were obvious and it was canon that harry was in love with ginny and that ron and hermione were in love with each other. even if u didnt ship them, it was obvious. why would harry and hermione randomly fall in love because ron left them? and why didnt jkr mind them inventing a love triangle and discussing it like its canon? lol




(Anon is talking about this post. I think lol https://ronandhappiness.tumblr.com/post/180893775744/kloves-shit)

Eh. A stupid comment about a stupid scene. In the books, there was no dancing scene. There was no such thing as “Harry trying to make Hermione feel better” because newsflash: Harry’s not emotionally receptive to Hermione’s feelings. There was no “almost kiss” , no “it might have been.” There was only “We are siblings and we both love Ron Weasley.” If the filmmakers didn’t have a boner for H*rmione, they would’ve just scrapped the dancing scene and made room for Dudley’s redemption, but they didn’t because…fanservice.

They were stupid enough to believe that something would happen between Harry and Hermione and made a build-up to a possible Har/mione endgame. Obviously, the delusional shippers/movie fans got their hopes high, so they had to give them something. (A cringey dancing scene wasn’t enough, apparently. Harry and Hermione had to each other’s faces as well, while Ron and Hermione were only allowed to get a badly staged kiss.)

Don’t even get me started on J.K Rowling. She’s so gullible. She completely forgot what she wrote in the books and got influenced by the filmmakers’ H*rmione agenda. They gave Romione’s dance to H*rmione, and the fact that JKR approved of this is embarrassing and unforgivable. Lmao, fuck them all.

The reason why I hate the Harmione pairing so much is because thanks to it, we were robbed of Rupert Grint’s amazing acting, oh and also robbed of an adaptation of those goddamn books.

All we got was Kloves’ high-budget wanking fantasy.

I’ll never forgive Kloves for his BS and Rowling for allowing it to happen. If I was her I wouldnt have stood for it. I would have found someone else to do it, or did it myself.

Not only was all the H*rmione baiting rude to people who actually liked the book characters, but it was rude to people who liked the H*rmione ship too. It could never happen due to the films having to roughly follow the canon-plot, but the film-makers inserted H*rmione stuff nonetheless. It built-up the idea that the two could get together, even though that could never happen. Putting it in the films preventing H*rmione shippers from enjoying it in an AU capacity, and made them hope that it was possible when the film-makers knew they could never follow through on it. 

I’ll never be over the fact that Rupert Grint basically got sidelined for an entire decade simply because the production higher-ups had an agenda against Ron and insisted on inserting build-up to a pairing that was never going to have a conclusion. 

Seriously, I never seen such fragrant under-use of brilliant acting talent as what happened with Rupert Grint in the HP films (especially considering the amazing character that Rupert wanted to do his best to adapt). It will forever be my biggest stumbling block to enjoying the HP film series. 

It’s like the film-makers were purposely dangling Rupert in front of us, going “oooh, you like this actor? You like the character that the actor really wants to portray well? You want a healthy, well-rounded character who shows someone can learn from their mistakes and be amazing despite everyone telling them they were useless? You want to see that- WELL, SCREW YOU ALL, YOU CAN’T HAVE IT!

Rupert deserved better, and so did Ron. 

Hey, I’m the person who sent the first anon message about the goodnight kiss. I’m not suggesting anyone should EVER just grab someone and kiss them without their consent. In my dating experiences, however, it has been common protocol for someone to ask for a kiss (sometimes the other person says yes, sometimes they don’t), and I see no reason why Luna and Harry wouldn’t like each other enough to share one. (Heck, for all we know, Luna would have been the one to ask Harry, instead of vice-versa.)

Fair enough, anon. Thank you for clarifying. 

I can see Luna and Harry kissing (and I personally think Luna would have initiated it). 

How to Write Jewish Fanfic Characters


1.  Please don’t write them as “Jewish in name only.”  For one thing, that essentially takes away representation, which is hurtful, and for another, trying to prevent assimilation is a really big thing in the Jewish community.  The characters’ parents died when they were kids?  Write them as having been raised by other Jews (eg family members).  Honestly, doing otherwise is a cop out.  For centuries, people who hated us have wanted us to leave our Jewishness behind and fully assimilate.  You are inadvertently tying into that when you do write the characters as “Jewish in name only.”

2.  Consider writing them as at least somewhat religious.  Of course, there are certainly secular Jews in real life, but there are hardly any religious Jews in media and it gets tiring.  There would absolutely be practicing Jewish wizards regardless of whether Harry is religious; if we can keep our traditions despite progroms, the Holocaust, forced assimilation, and the American melting pot, being wizards won’t faze us.  There are religious Jews who participate in many cultures and subcultures around the world.  That there are no explicitly religious characters in Harry Potter is more of a function of Harry’s inability to notice these things (and JKR’s struggle with portrayals of minority groups) than an indication that there are no religious wizards.

3.  Even if they’re not religious, please write them as being at least culturally Jewish.  What I mean is, have them participate in Jewish culture. They celebrate Chanukah, for instance (if Harry celebrates Christmas, the Goldsteins can celebrate Chanukah, even if they’re secular).  They know some Yiddish words.  You don’t necessarily have to write that in, but it should be the background in your head.

4.  Don’t have them celebrating Christmas, unless they’re doing it solely for the benefit of Christian or culturally-Christian friends.  Cultural Christians tend to see Christmas as secular and universal, but for us, it’s not.  I don’t know any Jews who celebrate Christmas who aren’t part of interfaith families.  This may not seem like a big deal, but it is.  Christmas is a major signifier of complete assimilation.  When you write Jewish characters celebrating Christmas for themselves, you’re making a much stronger statement than you intend.

5.  Consider including positive details.  This is not strictly necessary (for fanfic writers, that is; JKR and Stuart Craig should have done it) but it is nice.  Positive details are little things that won’t disrupt the flow of the story, but will be recognized by your Jewish readers and will make them happy.  Examples can include a reference to candlesticks on a mantelpiece when describing a room, or mentioning that Passover is the reason a character is visiting his sister-in-law but not going into detail about the Seder meal.  Here’s an excerpt from a fic I wrote:

It is three years later (but somehow, it feels so much shorter), when Newt finds himself sitting in the afternoon sunlight, Tina by his side (her hands folded in her lap and somehow still breathtaking at the age of 109), looking up at the couple standing in the dappled sunlight filtering through the leaves twined into the posts of their wedding canopy. His grandson, grown into a handsome and capable young man, and Luna, as ethereal as she was at age twelve but now carrying herself with the maturity of someone who has seen all the horrors the world has to offer and has decided still to view the world with wonder, stand face to face, gently clasping one another’s hands and exuding quiet strength.

They are clearly following the Jewish custom of having a wedding canopy (chuppah), but I do not explicitly mention that it is a Jewish custom, and while it is clearly mentioned, it is not the focus.  The advantage to using positive details is twofold; it ensures representation without distracting from the focus of the story, but it also portrays Jewish customs as normal for Jews.  When I’m performing a Jewish ritual, it’s just a part of my life – I don’t stop and think about the fact that it’s Jewish, or think it’s at all out of the ordinary.

6.  Omit negative details.  These are things that would be inappropriate for a culturally or somewhat-religious Jewish character.  I can’t speak for anyone else, but they interrupt the flow of the story for me.  These are things like having a character eat something blatantly unkosher (pork, shellfish, dairy-and-meat-together).  It’s possible that they could be doing this if the character is very secular, but I already addressed that in Point 2 and, if this is the 1920s, plenty of secular Jews actually kept some level of kosher.  It’s entirely possible that secular Jewish characters in the 1920s could even have a fully-kosher kitchen.  That might seem very strange to you if you are culturally Christian, but Christianity and Judaism are very, very different.  The idea you have in your head of “religion” isn’t entirely applicable to Judaism.  Keeping kosher has cultural as well as religious significance.

7.  Mention major Jewish holidays if your fic takes place on or near them.  You don’t need to go into detail, but it would be odd to have, say, a fic during April with not even a single passing mention of Passover.  Likewise October and the fall holidays. This can be easily avoided if you simply set the fic at a different time.  If you’re not sure when the holidays are, Hebcal is a great resource.  Google “hebcal [year]” or “[holiday] [year].”

8.  Consider going into more detail.  This is not necessary by any means, but it a lovely thing to do and will certainly get you a reblog from @jewish-harrypotter if you let me know about it (fics with a lot of positive details will, too).  This is harder because it requires more research, but I’m always available as a resource.  I can’t tell you exactly what Jewish life looked like in the early 20th century, but if you’re okay with the fic not adhering to precise historical accuracy I can tell you what Jewish life looks like now (and the most basic aspects of the rituals haven’t really changed much).  I also very much recommend My Jewish Learning  as a resource.  Also, if any Jews reading this are also available as resources, please comment on this post.

9.  Listen to Jews.  If a Jewish reader points out that something’s off, trust them to know what they’re talking about.  If they’re telling you that Christmas is not a universal holiday, don’t tell them it is.  No one expects someone who isn’t Jewish to know about Jewish culture or religion, but there’s a difference between not knowing something and rejecting what someone is trying to tell you.

Hope that helped!  Thank you for reading!  I know writing about a minority you’re not part of is hard, and I appreciate you taking the time to read this to find out how to do it better!




About insecurity, insecurities, and self-esteem (or lack of)

We often either say that Ron is deeply insecure, either that he has some insecurities – as if it were the same thing.

In a way, it is.

But I think we should make a difference between the terms.

Some might roll their eyes at me and gruff, or raise their eyebrows with a smirk. I know, I’m really barmy, aren’t I ?

Here is the definition of insecurity : “uncertainty or anxiety about oneself; lack of confidence.”

The thing is, people can be insecure about a lot of things concerning themselves.

I think that we should distinguish those who are unsure about some things, that I’d call insecurities, and a sense of insecurity running deeper and concerning oneself in general.

Realistically speaking, most people have insecurities. It’s what makes us humans, with our weaknesses and vulnerabilities. They are linked to subjects we would like to avoid, some things we’d rather not think about, memories we would like not to dwell on.

It’s quite different to feel permanently insecure. Because it really undermines your sense of self, your vision of your abilities and of your own worth. It can be crippling. It’s horrible. It can even be dangerous (how many insecure people cut themselves or committed suicide over the years ?)

That’s a difference we find in the Harry Potter series.

I would say that nearly every single well-developped character (well, I don’t know much about Florian Fortescue) in the series has insecurities.

For example :

Harry was very afraid in general of abandonment. Having a family, people who care about him, is rather a big deal at first and he is not used to it. Sometimes, the fear that all of that will disappear – that every bit of happiness he ever got will vanish – reappears. Harry can also doubts his abilities as a leader when he thinks about it too much – people look up to him, and he feels the presure of being the one taking decisions – even if most of the time he subconsciously takes the lead without thinking about it twice.

Hermione has or had insecurities about her appearance. Enough to lead her to modify her teeth magically, at least. She is also a crippled perfectionnist who cannot even fathom the idea of failure. I think she defines herself mostly by her intelligence, and deep down believes that she has to help fixing others’ problems and get them right otherwise they might reject her – because she would reject herself if she were a failure.

Dumbledore had insecurities. Concerning his past, concerning his relationship with Grindelwald, concerning the role he had in his family, concerning his relationship with power.

Even the Weasley twins, I think, could display a behaviour betraying some insecurities from time to time. For example when Ron got appointed as prefect, and Molly fussed over him with exclamations such as ‘A prefect ! That’s everyone in the family !’, they became downright scornful towards Ron, and really indignant (‘What are Fred and I, next-door neighbours ?’). I believe they were afraid of being forgotten, of being only seen as the clowns that no one take seriously, of being rejected because they were not taking the same path as the others. So, they acted as if they did not care at all, as if being a prefect was a disgrace… to push the hurt out of their hearts. But they did care.

And for other characters it run a lot deeper. It affects their self-esteem so much that it prevents them from achieving their potential and it leads them to downplay their feelings, run away from others or even have a self-destructive behaviour. Everything affects them, hurts them, or on the contrary gives them endless and irrepressible joy. They can misunderstand the most obvious behaviours, have self-depreciating tendencies, and take a lot of things personally.

I identify four characters with these characteristics : Remus Lupin, Hagrid, Neville and Ron.

Lupin’s insecurity comes, obviously, from his condition as a werewolf. He is sure – and sadly was proven right a lot of times by the wizarding society – that once people are aware of his situation they will reject him. Because he is a monster. A monster that should have nothing to do with other people. Most of the time composed, it hurts to see so much self-loathing when Remus removes the layers of pretended chillness and confidence (for example the scene in the Shriecking Shack). And it leads him to run away from everything that might make him happy (Tonks, his baby) because he believes he doesn’t deserve them and worst, would spoil them by his mere presence.

Hagrid is a character who always seems extremely baffled when people believe in him or even love him (Dumbledore, the Trio…). He hasn’t got any real confidence and once the joyful giddiness wears off, he is unsure, and it takes one comment to destabilize him and makes him feel low and stupid (Umbridge, Draco Malfoy… and it’s worsened by the fact that Hagrid is one of the most naive characters in the whole series). And from the moment he feels unworthy of the things he has (for example as a teacher), he won’t try for a long time to take up on those things (the classes in third year who became extremely boring after one class). He also has this unhealthy habit of drinking to drown his problems.

Neville is maybe the most obvious character to identify as deeply insecure for the majority of readers, simply because he is the most open about it in the first four books and is identified as having no real self-esteem by the narrative itself. Honestly, as much as I like Augusta Longbottom, it is quite obvious this deep insecurity comes from the way Neville was raised – in comparison of his father. He was expected to be just as talented as his father, and it crippled him – literally. In the first four books, Neville believes he has nothing to do in Gryffindor, and barely anything to do at Hogwarts at all (the second book when he buys gadgets to protect himself from the “Monster” because he is persuaded he is nearly a Squib is heartwrenching). Snape worsened considerably his insecurity. Fortunately, Neville began to find his own path through Herbology classes, and got indulged by Pomona Sprout. For Neville, it was the first step on the way of a normal self-esteem. It gave him enough confidence to try in other subjects. Dumbledore’s Army has really been a blessing, since at the moment Neville got the determination to improve in DADA to revenge his parents, he had an entire group to help him, with much needed patience. I believe that, by the time of the Deathly Hallows, Neville became a leader (he took this responsibility after Harry and Ron left) who was chill, knew what he had to do and didn’t take the time to doubt himself. I am sure that, in the end, he found his path; and this horrible insecurity he had as a child vanished. But it made him an excellent teacher. The best teachers are the ones who know what failure feels like.

Ron… *deep sigh* From the moment you meet him, you know he feels insecure, you know he is afraid of being “the lesser one”, “the useless one”, “the untalented one” – once again notice that this insecurity comes from comparisons. In the first four books, Ron, despite the fact that he is painfully honest and open, which makes him vulnerable, acts as if he doesn’t care. Honestly I believe that on some matters Ron is great to make people forget he is there, but one look at him and you would know how he feels. But, on the contrary of Neville, his insecurity, that people should have helped dealing with, worsened with time. Because no adult really indulged him. Because he became more and more transparent in comparison of his ‘bright and shiny’ siblings, of Harry the hero and Hermione the genius. Because he began to believe that his feelings didn’t matter, that his abilities – what abilities ?- didn’t matter, that he didn’t matter. Notice that he became more open about it as well, as if he were stating facts (ex : “I resign, I’m pathetic”). Ron is oversensitive and takes everything personally, especially in OOTP and in HPB. Ron, like Neville, is deeply affected by both praise and critics. Has self-depreciating tendencies. By the time of DH, it was urgent to do something. With the locket… it became too late to ever make it disappear.

Yes. Hear me. Too late.

The locket tortured Ron with his insecurity (follow my tag #torture if you want to learn more about my interpretation, that I will defend to death). Repeated him endlessly that he was worthless, useless, that everything negative he thought about himself were true, that no one cared about him and no one would care if he died (cf The Silver Doe). To the point that he believed in the middle of DH that he was nothing.

To me it looks dangerously like the beforehand of a suicide.

I am baffled that people actually believe that Ron’s lack of self-esteem disappeared with the Silver Doe.

No. This chapter just made Ron confront it rather than brush it to the side. That’s all.

Ron came face-to-face with his insecurities and won. Once.

I don’t believe he’ll ever be truly over his insecurities. It was much too late.

doesn’t have anyone, besides Harry, willing to vouch for his abilities;
no one to cheer him on when he’s feeling discouraged, no one to praise
him when he does something right.

And Ron is the type of
person that needs this sort of reassurance to function. There’s a reason
why he’s so good at reacting to danger – he doesn’t have time to
second-guess himself. When he’s threatened he observes his surroundings
and take immediate action, which doesn’t give time for his insecurities
and doubts to play against him. That’s why he was rubbish at Quidditch
at first – he had time to rationalize, to psych himself into a
near-panic over his belief that he’s not good enough.

it shows so much through the entire series. Whenever Ron achieves
something, whenever he’s given time to shine, he gets “punished” for it.
Quidditch? He has to endure an entire year of humiliation – some
teenagers have been driven to suicide for less than that – before he’s
allowed to triumph and even then JKR makes sure he bumps his head on the
door’s lintel to ridicule him. Saving Harry’s life, destroying the
Horcrux and having his soul laid bare to be psychologically and
emotionally tortured, with his best mate for an audience? People choose
to forget that, instead dogpiling on the fact that he left (and
according to them, shouldn’t have come back – enjoy your drowned Harry
and your frosted Hermione then).

Ron has so
many things to him, so many powerful feelings and emotions and
possibilities. Hell, the scars he’s given at the Ministry of Magic
wouldn’t be out-of-place in some awesome superhero’s backstory. He
demonstrates frighteningly powerful magic at times, too. He walks on the
perfect line of comedy and tragedy, being this character that brings so
much joy and light to what would otherwise be a duo of dull cynists,
but can’t see how bright he shines and how much he’s needed, and is
downright forced to believe he’s not good enough, never was,
never will be… all that, because people don’t ever pay attention to him;
all that, because despite his charisma and his wit, people notice
famous Harry Potter and “brilliant” Hermione Granger more; all that
because he’s cast in all these enormous shadows and his own author
decided he’d never have any sunlight.

sacrificed his feelings of self-worth and the very, very little
self-esteem he had for Harry and Hermione’s sakes, and this sacrifice
isn’t even seen by most readers of the HP series, and it just… breaks my

Not cooooool……..

umm to prev anon, excuse me, but why are you supposed to kiss after a date? you are not supposed to do anything you dont feel like so enough with the bullshit

That wasn’t what I was implying at all. Obviously, don’t kiss someone if you don’t want to (and also if they don’t want to). Don’t feel obligated to kiss someone at the end of a date just because it’s apparently-expected. 

I don’t really have much personal experience to fall back on. On my last date, I kissed the girl on the cheek and then apologised if I was being too forceful (she said she didn’t mind). I’m more used to hugging people than kissing them (obviously, I ask permission before hugging them, as well). 

Thanks for the message, anon. 

I can accept it if Harry and Luna didn’t end up together. I just hope that Harry was a gentleman and kissed her goodnight after Slughorn’s Christmas party. That’s what you’re supposed to do at the end of a date, after all.

Who said he didn’t? Harry never went into detail about what happened after he spied on Malfoy and Snape. He could have re-entered the party, danced with Luna, and walked her back. Suddenly they’re stood outside Ravenclaw Tower, and Luna’s stood very close to Harry. He leans in, she doesn’t move away, voila….

It could have just been platonic, but (on the other hand) Luna didn’t object in OOTP when they ended up under mistletoe together, and she was really happy when Harry asked her to the party…

Film!Harry definitely would have kissed her. He was really into film!Luna (to be fair, so am I). 

Thanks for the message, anon! 

EDIT- Obviously, you are under no obligation to kiss someone at the end of a date. Unless you want to (and they want to), you don’t have to.